Affirmations and How Using them Can Change your Identity

mindset personal growth podcast Jun 14, 2021

Have you heard about Seizing Happy? How about affirmations? This week's #SeizingHappy tip of the week is: Adding Affirmations to your Routine and it got lots of you asking to learn more so I figured I'd get into it a little deeper on this episode of the #CHATSwithGiGi podcast.


This episode is short and sweet and I can't wait to hear your takeaway from it! Oh! I almost forgot! Listen to the end for a freebie!


Are there affirmations you love? How has using affirmations added to your growth? Join the conversation using the hashtag #CHATSwithGiGi on your favorite social media platforms.


Follow me on IG, Twitter, and FB @GiGiDiazLIVE and if you wanna check out some videos, subscribe to my YouTube channel! 



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