A break up, a degree, new address, all in one day

lifestyle mindset personal growth purpose Feb 26, 2021

It's that time again! #FunFactFriday! This same day I broke up with my boyfriend at the time, quit my job and signed the lease on a new apartment. 


Let's start at the beginning. I didn't want to walk my high school graduation. I actually texted my friends on graduation morning with "this is going to be so boring, let's go to the beach instead." Needless to say, we didn't go to the beach. When I got my bachelors degree it took longer than I hoped and I was just happy to get it over with. I didn't wanna go to that commencement ceremony either! I was busy (and tired) running my business GiGi's Academy. I walked that one cause my mom insisted (and insisted and insisted and insisted) since I am the #firstgeneration #collegegraduate of my family. BUT... when it came to my Masters degree... This ceremony was one I WOULD NOT MISS! That same year I had switched jobs 3 times, at one point had two jobs AND a part time while doing my accelerated Masters, I was in a crappy, toxic relationship, my grandmother died which sent my family and me into a grieving spiral. I eventually worked and stressed myself into a hospital. It was a rough year, to say the least.⁠


The evening before graduation I got into a HUGE fight with my live-in boyfriend at the time. I know, you couldn't tell from the huge smile on my face in this pic but I broke up with him THAT morning. I simply decided I was finished with my degree, and I was also finished with anything that was holding me back. I realized I had gone through SO MUCH that year to get this degree that there was NOTHING that could keep me from celebrating it! This was a TRUE "commencement" ceremony for me. I commenced on a new life. I quit the job that was making me most miserable that same day too. I had already been eyeing an apt; I signed the lease that afternoon. Was I terrified? Yes. Was I OVER IT? Also, yes. So I made the necessary changes and moved forward. ⁠


I learned that year, getting my Masters degree and going through the all the other hardships I went through, that personal growth isn't meant to be easy. But you also don't need to make it harder on yourself by holding onto people or situations that don't serve you. I learned that I have the power - just like you do - to let go, to move on and to overcome. This crazy year is what put me on a the path to becoming a Life Coach. It led me to getting coaching for my own growth, studying about happiness and where it truly originates, eventually getting me to my Life Coach certification and Certificate in Happiness Studies. Looking back on this year I feel relief, and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

 I want you to celebrate all your wins too! Drop what wins you're celebrating this week (or this month or this lifetime!) in the comments below!⁠


Sending love and light your way...

GiGi Diaz

PS: Let's Connect on Instagram @GiGiDiazLIVE

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