4 Tips to Crush Your Goals and Resolution‪s

mindset personal growth podcast Feb 18, 2021

Did you know that less than 10% of people who make New Year's Resolutions actually stick to them past Valentine's Day?


On this episode of the Chats with GiGi podcast, I have 4 tips that'll help you crush those goals and stick to those resolutions you've set for yourself. Whether you're tuning in to this episode when it was dropped, at the beginning of 2020, or much later in the year, you're listening to it at exactly the ideal time for YOU. So grab pen and paper and jot down these tips!


If you haven't done so yet, please subscribe and leave us your review! I'd love to know your thoughts on the show so join the conversation using the hashtag #CHATSwithGiGi or hit me up directly on your favorite social media platform. You can find me as @GiGiDiazLIVE everywhere.


Sending love and light your way!


Oh! And here's the link to that freebie I promised you!




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