Whether you recently launched a “side hustle” or you’re an established freelancer taking the proper steps to file your taxes is a must.
When I opened my first business at 18 years old, I made SO MANY mistakes. They were costly and many took forever to overcome.
To help keep you from making the same mistakes I have two awesome resources for you.
The first is this free e-book: 4 Things You Must Know if You're Self-Employed
The second is a live interview with Nelson Yecora from the company More Thank Taxes where we discussed the proper steps to take to file your taxes as a freelancer or entrepreneur. You can check out the interview here.
If there's a topic of business or personal growth you're struggling with, let me know! I will find an expert to shed some light on it for us in an interview. DM me on Instagram and let me know.
Sending love and light your way...
GiGi Diaz